Dream. Build. Blog.

Meet Our Author

Chelsey Lammers

My first concrete memory of home décor, was back when I was in elementary school. I remember seeing this gorgeous sea-green patio umbrella in a Pottery Barn catalog and decided that this exact sea-green was to become my new favorite color. I discussed this with my parents and told them that I needed to immediately paint my room this very same sea-green. I was quickly voted down, as they told me that I hadn’t yet honed my personal design aesthetic. Fair enough. I’d like to say that I have a pretty clear vision as to what I like and dislike now. I am inspired most by palettes that are clean, sophisticated and fun. I appreciate timeless spaces and tend to veer from pieces that I would deem too trendy.


I would categorize myself as moderately to severely obsessive about home design and décor. I attribute this to my DNA makeup, as my great grandmother was a well-known interior decorator in her day. More about me… I am the highly-caffeinated mother to the two best little boys in the world, the dogmother to the best rescue pup in the world, and the wife to the best husband in the world. I’d say I’m pretty lucky. In my spare time I enjoy dining out, walking my dog, gardening and visiting with friends.


As for my professional side, I graduated from The School of Journalism at UW-Madison in 2008. After working in different roles within the advertising industry from copywriter to mobile marketer, I decided to trust and follow my gut into the world of home design. Queue me joining Veridian Homes as the Marketing Manager in 2012. I will do my best to share with you the things that I love most, and I hope that you enjoy yourself along the way. Who knows, maybe you’ll discover your very own sea-green umbrella?

All Posts by Chelsey Lammers


We’re Chelsey Lammers, Jenn Koehler, Stacey Bauer and Meg McCombs, the voices behind the Veridian Homes Blog. Our mission is to bring you inspiring, yet attainable, content for your current (or future) Veridian Home, and have some fun along the way.

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