It’s a brand new year! Which means plenty of time, inspiration and motivation to get healthy, accomplish your goals and be the best version of yourself that you’ve ever been, right?! Actually, let’s take a second to be slightly more realistic. Sure, the start of a new year offers up a chance to begin again, but going gangbusters all at once on your goals tends to lead to burnout and disappointment. We know those feelings well, which is why we wanted to offer up some insight on how you can create healthy habits in your home this year. Let’s get started!

Create a space for rest – Take a look around your home… which spot makes you happiest? You know, the one where the sunlight streams in just perfectly, or where you can see the beauty of nature outside your patio door. Create a small sitting area or nook where you can allow yourself to take a break from your busy day to focus on the things that bring you the most pleasure. Bonus points: Brew a cup of tea, or treat yourself to a cup of hot coffee as you cozy up in your new area.

Stock your pantry well – Fuel your body right with healthy foods. A fool-proof way to accomplish this goal is to plan meals ahead of time and keep your pantry stocked with all ingredients needed. While creating a menu for the week might seem like a daunting task, more planning for home cooked meals means less takeout.

Turn off your phone before bed – Turning your phone off before sleep gives your mind the space and permission it needs to wind down before bed, not to mention it can solidify a solid nights sleep. If you struggle in this area (like many of us do!), a good starting point is to put your phone in another room when you turn in for the night so you’re not tempted to stay up late scouring the world wide web.

Explore your neighborhood – One of the best parts about living in a Veridian neighborhood are the people and places nearby. Modern amenities such as restaurants, schools and parks, not to mention friendly neighbors make building relationships and planting roots an easy and enjoyable experience. So, get out there and enjoy what your neighborhood has to offer!

Learn a new skill – Have you always wanted to learn how to knit, cook or master your own herb garden? Now is the time to tackle it head on! Nothing feels better than actually setting time aside to learn a new skill. In need of inspiration? Take a peek at our DIY series to gain some ideas of your own!
Do you have any healthy habits of your own that you swear by? Let us know in the comments below!